
Fading Down

It's been a long while since my last update. Things are becoming pretty routine and I'm enjoying my work at the nutrition agency. We're still conducting our weekly diabetic and hypertension clinics, and I'm working on the national nutrition report that is completed twice a year to determine the health status of the under fives, which includes over 50,000 children. I've also taken on the task of indexing and organizing the library, which should keep me quite busy for the rest of my time here.

A lot of friends are starting to leave the country as their time is finished. It's sad, but it is also starting to feel like my time here is dwindling down as I see them leave. Fairly soon I'll be back and hopefully going to grad school. I'm definitely looking forward to it, but I'll also miss the slower pace of life I've become accustomed to here.

I hope everyone is getting along back home - love you all and can't wait to see you's.



rudi said...

Wow Dave, your time went by pretty fast. It will be good to have you back home. Hopefully we can play a few rounds of golf and catch a Cubs game (they are streaking!) when you get back.

Best of luck to you in the months to come. Enjoy the rest of your time there!

Me & Me said...

Yo bro.

Don't leave the country just yet, you have at least a year right?

We are learning to glass and shape boards. Christian is especially interested and is not bad at it.

Rehabing the Huerta (fish) which is a twin fin. Missing the crap out of you! You have a lot of catching up to do regarding surfing, we are all getting to be fairly decent at it. Just went down to a 7'6" from a 9. Its much more fun. Still shaky though. Kids are nutz good of course.

Connor is known around here as the "freak" mostly because of dropping into a half pipe backwards on a scooter and then on a 70's clay wheel skate board the size of a wallet. :)

Cameron just paddled out past the break at rincon for the first time!!!

Calving is surfing the boogy board and a sponge board.

Really proud of all of them!

Get back and then in the water bro!! Graduate school in Cal.

Stinks watching people leave. That never changes!

Here's to peace and tasty non-caloric greasy foods ~m

Once Again... said...

Havent got to write ya much, lately bro - keeping myself busy in freeport, ME...there is so much to explore here. cant wait to tell ya some stories...

im excited for you to be back! i miss my favorite tennis partner. i just cant seem to replace you!

ive got 3 more weeks after this week...then it will be time for the real world. ah suck. oh well.

scott and brit got me into wok-ing...ya know...cooking with a wok. its actually quite great; and a good way for me to get those veggies in.

later bro!

Once Again... said...
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